Japanese monster

Aka shita - Red Tongue (Akashita)


Translation: Red Tongue Alias: aka kuchi ("red mouth") Habitat: Rice paddies and rural areas; Tsugaru Common Diet: Farmer Appearance: The Aka Shita is a mysterious spirit in the shape of a dark cloud with sharp claws and a furry, beastly face. Its most notable feature and namesake is the long, bright red tongue that dangles from its mouth. People only know it by the shape of its furry monster face and long beastly claws. The rest of its body is forever hidden in the dark, dark clouds it inhabits. Behavior: a.k.a. Shita appear in the summer months, when the need for rain and water is greatest to ensure the success of the growing season. They are agents of revenge and are primarily known as punishers in water disputes. Since sufficient water is essential to keep rice fields flooded

Aka manto - Akamanto (あかまんと)


Translation: red cloak; red undershirt Alias: aoi manto, akai kami, akai hanten, akai chanchanko, akai te Habitat: school restrooms Diet: unknown Appearance: Aka manto is an urban legend related to restrooms, especially those in elementary schools. The phenomenon is widely known throughout Japan, with countless variations on the same theme. It usually takes place in a specific cubicle in a specific bathroom in a school. Usually it is an older or seldom used bathroom, usually located in a cubicle with an old squat toilet. Usually the fourth stall is the cursed stall because the number four is associated with death. Most stories follow this general pattern: while at school late at night, a

Abura sumashi-Oil Sumashi (Abura Sumashi)


Translation: Oil Squeezer Habitat: Yamaguchi; Kumamoto Native Diet: Unknown Appearance: The Oil Sushi is a rare demon native to Kumamoto Prefecture. It looks like a short, fat humanoid creature with a big, ugly head that resembles a potato or a rock. It wears a straw raincoat. The ink sap is extremely rare and is only found deep in the mountains of southern Japan or along mountain passes - throughout the range where wild tea trees grow. Behavior: Little is known about the lifestyle and habits of this reclusive demon. The most famous oil sushi lives in the Kusamitsukoshi mountain pass in Kumamoto, but only appears briefly to travelers. Occasionally, grandmothers walking through the pass with their grandchildren would say, "Did you know that an oil sushi used to live here a long time ago?" A mysterious voice would reply, "I still do!" On rare occasions, the oil shushu

Abura akago-Oil Akago (あぶらあかご)


Translation: Oil Babies Habitat: Human settlements Diet: Lamp oil Appearance: Oil Akatsuki are demons from the country of Konoha. They are a type of hi no tama, or fireball, but can also take the shape of a baby. Behavior: Oil Akako initially appear as mysterious balls of fire that float aimlessly in the night sky. They float from house to house, and upon entering a house they become small babies. In this baby form, they lick the oil from oil lamps and paper lanterns, called anamnas. They then change back into spheres and fly away. ORIGIN: Like many other oil-related demons, the Oil Redguard is said to have originated as oil thieves. While the specifics of these oil thieves have been lost over time, they mirror many other demons, so we can

Abumiguchi Stirrup (Abumiguchi)


TRANSLATION: Stirrup Mouth APPEARANCE: Abumi Mouth was once the stirrup of a warrior who was killed in battle. The stirrups were left behind on the battlefield and forgotten. Soldiers are distracted by the loss of purpose, and their tools become "tsukumogami". Like a faithful hound, Abumiguchi waits in the fields for his master, who sadly never returns.

Abe no Seimei - Abe Haruaki (あべのせいめい)


Appearance: Abe Haruaki is perhaps the most famous yin and yang master in Japanese history. He was a descendant of the famous poet Abe Nakamaro and lived from 921 to 1005 AD. Due to his success as an astrologer and soothsayer, he is widely regarded as a genius and a master of magical powers and secret knowledge. Origin: Abe Haruaki's fame came from his success as a yin and yang master in the tenth century. He was a student of Tadayuki Duck and Kantoku Duck, and succeeded Kantoku as court astrologer and soothsayer. Haruaki's duties included foreseeing the sex of unborn babies, diving for the location of objects, advising on matters of personal behavior, performing exorcisms and creating boundaries against black magic and evil spirits, and analyzing and interpreting events such as celestial events. He wrote many books on divination and fortune-telling, among them The Thousand

Zennyo Ryūō - The Dragon King (ぜんにょりゅうおう)


Translation: dragon queen Zennyo; lit. The Dragon Queen of the Magi Alias: Eight-Year-Old Dragon Lady, Seiryuu Kwon Present Appearance: Zennyō Ryūō is a young female dragon worshipped as a goddess of rain. She sometimes appears as a large serpent riding on a cloud, wearing a small golden snake that looks like a crown. At other times, she is depicted as a woman or man in ancient Chinese royal garb. Behavior:Zennyo is the daughter of Shagara Ryūō, one of the Eight Dragon Kings. She is wise, intelligent, and has insight into the doings of all beings in the universe. She is articulate, virtuous, compassionate, and kind. She understood all of the Buddha's teachings and became enlightened at a very young age. Interaction: Zen Ru is worshipped at several shrines and temples, including the god of Mount Takano in Wakayama