
It is an example of folkloric trickery


A former fellow soldier of Grandfather's was transferred to the garrison division next door before the July 7th Incident, specializing in driving for some of the adjutant generals. One day, the grandfathers, who were hanging out on the streets of Shusu, happened to run into him on the street. Reuniting with his buddies and chatting about various topics, everyone asked why he was standing here. The clerk scratched his head, "Hi! Accompanying the Vice Division Commander to the theater (actually, Sue played)" "Really?" Everyone was surprised, thinking that most of the troops stationed around the area were from Huibei, and some more Shannan soldiers. Everyone's love is to enjoy a few tunes like the beautiful Huangmei tune, and then poor on the curse of a few sections of Qin tune, and bitter on the far bark a few sections of Henan Bangkok. Suzhou opera, and the local Shanghai opera to the Yueju opera, Cantonese opera, etc., for the soldiers, are messy, like cotton, not quite understand, listen to the

It's a creepy mirror


Yang Keqiang sat in the corner and watched the pedestrians coming and going. Even if they came to their friend's reception, they were all people they didn't know. Taking the wine, Yang Keqiang girl brought the juice. Wearing a black evening dress, wrapped in a dark blue scarf, she looked both elegant and beautiful. Even though I feel déjà vu, I can t remember where I have seen you. He was just about to leave his seat to pick her up when the girl took her bag and followed a man. Yang Keqiang asked his friends around him who the girl was, but they didn't know and shook their heads. The night, Yang Keqiang did not calm down. Back home, he still thought of the girl, although just a glance, but she seems to be rooted in the mind, Yang Keqiang wondered, this is love at first sight, no, not. Love at first sight is a marvelous excitement, but in this kind of

It's a creepy story of a growing spirit


Prof. Xue of H Chinese Medicine College has developed a new drug, Growth Spirit. He invented it after many experiments by extracting growth hormone from the largest plant and animal on land at present, the giraffe, from the redwood, and from the world's earliest-growing plant, Monstera, respectively. Prof. Xue first tried it with a dog. The dog was less than 60 centimeters tall, and it was said that the dog grew 5 centimeters in just one week after Prof. Xue was given a "growth hormone". After prescribing three consecutive courses of treatment, the dog's growth was observed every two hours, and the results were recorded for several days. The dog grew steadily and as often as Prof. Xue had expected. After five months afterwards, the dog grew more than one meter in height and looked like a big horse from a distance. Satisfied, he drew a line in the record book and was about to stop the medication one morning, as usual

It's a short little boy story of a funeral home


The incense-burning house was hastily built in a light rain, as if understaffed, and decorated like the crumpled birthday suits of the dead. The cold crystal casket, the pebbles of confusing flowers placed in the corner, the randomly placed dirty tables and chairs, all distracted me as a close friend of the deceased. Sitting in a less conspicuous corner, smoking a cigarette and staring at the effigy of my best friend in disbelief, it was hard to imagine that a healthy person would suddenly die of a myocardial infarction. The mournful joy echoed again and again, as if the dead were singing. People spoke in whispers, many of which were memories of the deceased's life. The mood was very depressing when a strange looking man in a black suit sat down next to him. He was very nervous and kept scratching his head like he had done something bad, picking up or putting down the teacups on the table with slightly trembling hands. I wondered.



他和父亲吵架离家五年了。 现在他自己也成了父亲,慢慢了解了父亲的爱,他想回家看看年迈的父亲,母亲去世了很多年,父亲一个人在家不知有多难过。 不知道父亲是否原谅我,我给邻居家打了电话。邻居告诉他,爸爸已经很久没有离开房间了,但晚上总是在门口开一盏灯,那会让孩子回家的路亮起来! 他泪流满面,第二天开车回家。 父亲不在,家里空荡荡的,满是灰尘。墙上他看到了母亲的照片,那是母亲的遗像,他禁不住流下了眼泪。 天黑了爸爸还没回来。为了给父亲让路亮,我打开了门灯。 就在这时,父亲出现在灯光下。他跪在父亲面前哭



江南一带过去既有驼峰庙也有蝗虫庙,祭祀的方式也各不相同,也有不可思议的地方。 奶奶老家的村子里有一座被称为八蜡庙的破寺庙。八蜡是八种小虫子,过去每年秋收后,村民总是把谷物肉类供奉在寺庙里,要求尽量减少明年的害虫。到了70年代,损坏的寺庙只剩下四堵墙,村民在经过时先敲两个手再走。据我祖母说,这个习惯并不古老,只是始于清朝末期。 这是太平天国军发生暴动时的事。这一带驻扎着太平天国的士兵,但是在太平天国灭亡之前,国王极其乱捕,两千多个国王被封印了。后来被甩号封王,其长毛军头姓慕容,旁观者称他为慕王。

It is a magic picture of a short story


Zhao Xing asks his two friends to join him for a night out and let the artist paint in the town of "Paint Until You Die". The paintings of the three of them are really great, Liu's excitement, Li's exhaustion, and Zhao Xing's laughter, and all of the paintings go into the trees. When Zhao Xing asked his two friends for the painting as a memento, Liu and Li agreed. Zhao Xing laughed. It was an increasingly inscrutable laugh. Zhao Xing took the painting home, took a knife from the kitchen, cut Xiao Liu's neck, the painting broke, revealing the blood-like color. Looked at Zhao Xing, excited, scared.1 hour later, Zhao Xing received a call from Xiao Liu's family, was asked to come to the funeral. Xiao Liu was robbed by someone 1 hour ago and cut his throat with a pocket knife. Zhao Xing puts down the handset will make people excited. This is really a magic painting! Smiling at the "Little Li" in the painting.



(1) 大河村真是个好地方,被山包围着,简直像个世外桃源。假期来这里最适合悠闲一下,顺便可以完成自己的毕业论文。 “来了就像自己家一样,请不要客气。”。 “拜托了”我对“木伯”说。木伯先生是大河村的村长,和长子大光先生是好朋友,这次也是大光哥先生的介绍,木伯先生夫妇也照顾了我。多年在外地工作,留下父母、妻子和孩子在家,看到我就像看到大光一样亲切。 “我家也有小光的话,就有你那么大了。”。 我隐约记得大光说他有个弟弟,我有点不知所措。 “我是小儿子,五岁的时候淹死了,还好吧。”。 农家饭朴素朴实



我小时候住在城南。 上世纪80年代,城南到处都是那种明清时代的老房子,长屋。巧合的是,我家就住在那个长屋。 长屋一共分为三家,头两家客满,我们家是第二家。每天,大人们上班,我们在花园里享受自己的快乐。 前两个挤满了人,第三个怎么样?第三个空着,家家户户空着,没有人住。从懂事的时候开始就是这样,谁也不告诉我理由。但是,大人们注意不要进入第三个。虽然孩子很胆小,但是很好奇,不能问为什么,但是脑子里想,那个第三进是不是有什么不可告人的秘密。怪物是狼吗 我想确实是六岁。 是某个初夏的下午。爸爸妈妈陪着奶



陆平是平安医院的一个医生,看了快40人了,还是一个普通医生,他也不想升职,下班走,预习时间上班,没什么成绩,没什么大错误,领导家不送礼,同事之间也不移动。所以他在医院里是个异端的旁观者 这样的人,突然晋升为院长,从普通的医生晋升为主任,更让人吃惊的是,得到了院长二十多岁的女儿,成为院长的女婿,一下子变得受欢迎了。 对此医院内的老医生很有言辞,陆平听到没有做主任的水平,陆平只是笑了,第二天不满他的老医生中风偏瘫,陆平代表医院去看他,老医生看到他突然很兴奋我不能指着他说半天。最后我眼花死了。 大先生