
It has the life of a grotesque


With a seventy-something-year-old mother above him, two junior high school-aged sons below him, and a wife who is a sickly medicine pot, the family's livelihood falls on his shoulders alone. Therefore, in addition to working hard, Lao Yang also did small jobs from time to time to supplement the family income. The pillar collapsed after continuous leakage of rain. That night, he went to the stone factory to move stones, and on the way, he encountered a falling stone and was hit on the head by a big rock, and died on the spot. Lao Yang's soul entered the netherworld in a tragic way, and when he met the ghostly messenger who came to greet him, both sides couldn't help but exclaim at the same time, "Is that you?" Old Yang met an acquaintance. This ghostly messenger, surnamed Wei, had been a junior messenger with Lao Yang in his lifetime, and the two of them were on good terms. He was then killed in a traffic accident, and his family was so poor that they couldn't even do the aftermath, but thanks to a few enthusiastic orderlies, the funeral was also sloppy

It's deep in the yard.


By the way, the Ye family is also a famous and rich family in the area. Mr. Ye's eldest husband had a son and a daughter, and he didn't get married after his wife's death. A few years ago, Mr. Ye died of illness, and the young husband took charge of the Ye family and took good care of the Ye family's property. The Ye House was still an elephant of prosperity and certainty. But a year ago on the Lantern Festival something very big happened. A husband got drunk and slept in a wood shed, and firecrackers flying from nowhere were set on fire and burned to death. Half a year later, when Mr. Yang, who was planning to marry Miss Ye, came to the Wending Ceremony, he drank two glasses of wine and fell into a well and drowned when he went to the toilet. Just two ninety-five Fanghua Miss Ye sadness, this life chanting scripture said not to marry. Two people turned dead in a year, became a rumor. Sometimes, a subordinate said that he saw a ghost at night, the mansion

It's a bird of the underworld.


1, catching birds Li Yunyun kind and filial daughter. The fields are golden in the fall, and the joy of the harvest fills the earth. Greedy flocks of sparrows wowed the fields. These naughty sparrows, sometimes really annoying, sometimes farmers feed all the planted vegetable seeds, in order to drive them away, the wise man invented a bird magic weapon - bird netting. The net is interwoven like hair, and when you open it and put it in the field where you have spread the seeds, you can't see it if you don't look closely. However, if the birds flew there, they would stick together and could not escape no matter what. That morning, Li Yunyun was drying millet in the yard. Her father was holding a colorful and beautiful bird in his hand and happily ran to her side: "Yun'er, look, isn't this bird beautiful!" . Although she wanted to run away, it was as if she knew it was futile

It's the yin-yang bridge.


There is a large forest on the JNU campus with a towering number of trees. It seems that every night was brought here by his boyfriend, where the dark sky does not see, suitable for doing something bad for children. The students of Jiangnan University affectionately named it "lover's forest". Strang Yang slapped down the hand that was placed in the clothes and said. "I have to go back, or the dormitory will be closed." "What, it's okay if you don't go back tonight." . "Please open the dog's eyes. 23:45. Doors are closing in 15 minutes." Get up from the stool and tap your feet. There was no sound at all around them, it was awfully quiet. The two of them walked towards the exit, and Strayang wouldn't be afraid when she leaned on her boyfriend's arm. Suddenly, Strang Yang pecked her boyfriend's hand. "Don't you think it's strange? This road is very close. Usually it's a two-minute walk to the exit.

It's a strange temple of ghosts.


张东陽带着赵靖和达瓦从旁边的墙壁的孔进入了里面。院内积雪一直积到膝盖,但由于被土墙挡住,寒风减弱了很多。打开神殿厚厚的木制门,三个人小心翼翼地进去了。 寺庙里一片漆黑,什么也看不见。张东陽关上庙宇的木门,打着灭火器,在宫殿内简陋的床上看,供奉了一尊凶猛的神像。这座雕像大约有2米高,由于年久失修,身体的珐琅皮脱落,下面的泥土和秃鹫裸露出来。神像的身体上有十个不知道是什么做的黑洞。 张东陽神台还剩半支蜡烛,我就去点燃了。蜡烛芯上的火在蠕动,不可思议的气味弥漫在神殿里。 张东陽望着这座神殿,心里觉

It's a creepy castle.


Creepy Castle 1 A couple lives in a former castle in South France. Although they were quite old, they had a lifetime of money. It was a dark and windy night when it suddenly thundered. "Knock, knock" the old pendant clock on the wall pointed to twelve o'clock. The old woman shook her sleeping husband just as she had foreseen. "That's scary ......" What's so scary, an infrared alarm device. The old woman figured it out and fell asleep again. Time passed 1:00 pm when the infrared alarm device suddenly did not move, black shadows appeared, and both husband and wife were dead. The next day, the police arrived at the scene and found no signs of breaking into the house except scratches on the couple's faces. Soon the police judged to be homicide, but the old couple kindly no hatred, the police also do not know who arrested, deliberate empty nest murder does not end. Clever.

It is an anionic medium to the chemical


成为我的男朋友 “张墨,这孩子很适合你哦。”。 玩手机的张墨回头看了宁雨的言词。电脑打开的页面上排列着自己的照片和清秀容貌的女性照片。两人的恋爱指数竟然是99%。 张墨说:“你为什么不用我的照片,怎么不用你自己的?” 宁雨“嘿嘿”笑:“谁让你是我们寝室最帅的,这个游戏软件很好玩,你不知道这个女孩是不是真的存在?” “我相信一个游戏软件。我要去吃晚饭,你要带什么?”。 宁雨摇摇头,说不需要,一边摆弄电脑一边开始吃零食。没办法只好摇摇头,走出卧室,准备去食堂吃饭。 操场中间站着一个梳着长发的女孩。那

He's a creepy black cat.


编者注:一路上的经历,确实会让人害怕,或者发生一些奇怪的事情,但可以让故事更细腻一点。 在这个世界上,每天都会发生不可思议的事情,但并不是所有的人都能相遇,做梦也没想到会有这样不可思议的恐怖和令人毛骨悚然的日子。现在想起来就毛骨悚然。 那是几年前的晚秋的某个夜晚,是一片覆盖着巨大黑布的悲惨天空。时钟准确地指向凌晨零点的时候,我下了白天的班,骑摩托车回家了。从工厂开车30分钟左右的我家,即使是30分钟这么短的时间,也总是提心吊胆,因为天生胆小不擅长夜路,但是在通过的途中有坟墓。每次来到这里,我的头

He's a spiritual cat.





房间里,有一只漂亮的鸟飞进了女人从未见过的七色鸟,对着女人眨巴着小眼睛鸣叫着。 女人时隔三天露出了笑容。她的男人死了三天后。 为了吸引女人的注意,鸟儿翩翩着彩色的翅膀飞来飞去。女人的眼睛追着它,它的眼睛湿了。 从那以后,女人的生活中就有了七色鸟。 女人去河边穿衣服,鸟停在树上,像为女人唱歌一样叫。 当女人在田里干活时,周围鸟儿一边叫一边飞来飞去。女人一边听着鸟声,一边回忆着许多美好的时代。 她的男人很爱她,就像爱一只鸟,每天都想把她寄托在宽大的手掌里。女人享受着男人给予的幸福,红醉了。但是,男子

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