
prognosis (in medicine)


★ Omen This was told by my grandfather. In terms of his character, I believe it to be true. In other ways, I really can't believe it. Which is true or not. Let's judge. Grandpa was born in 1920, and at the age of seven, he and his parents traveled from Shandong to Kanto to Liaoning. It happened when he was ten years old. Why is he so sure about that time? Because he celebrated his 10th birthday on the day of the event. Children from poor families spend the first half of their lives studying and the second half working, so they rarely have time to play. It was my birthday, so my grandfather rarely had time off. His house was on the outskirts of Dalian, and there was a mound nearby. He was discussing with his friends about going to the mound to play, when a boy came from the distance. The boy was also about ten years old. Strangely reddish, but strangest of all, he had a rhythm. Every few steps.

make a speech


★ Ventriloquism One day, a young woman of about twenty-four or twenty-five years of age came to the village. She took a medicine chest and saw the village selling medicine for the sick. The people of the village heard her and came out to see her. But the young lady said she would not write her own prescription and waited until dark to ask God. The people waited patiently for darkness to come. When evening came, she cleaned the little house and shut herself in. The people of the village gathered around the doors and windows and listened with their ears. At that moment, the people consciously stopped their clamor, and only one person was whispering. After a while, no movement could be heard inside or outside the little house. As night fell, I heard the sound of someone turning the curtains in the small house. Inside, the young woman asked, "Is Jiu Gu coming?" The other women answered, "Yes!" The other women answered, "Yes!" and asked, "Did La Mei come with Jiu Gu?" Like a maid.

Spirits in the water.


That summer there was a severe drought, and the village's crop seedlings were withering away. The villagers could only build a reservoir upstream of the river to meet the village's water needs. In order to prevent people from outside the village from stealing water, the village camp arranged for patrols around the reservoir. My father was part of that patrol. There was a hut above the reservoir and the patrol spent the night in the hut. I was still playful and went on patrol with my father, who had no choice but to take me away. At night when there was nothing to do the patrol played cards in the hut, bored and panicked out of the hut to hang out on the bank of the reservoir, thinking of catching a few fish from the water. Although it was night, the water in the reservoir was still clear under the moonlight, and the pebbles under the water were reflected by the moonlight like grains of pearl. The fish were not only tired but also swimming in the water, disappearing in groups and swarming as if they were holding some strange ceremony.



二叔疯了! 二叔我们村唯一一个考上大学的读书人,就这样二叔也考了三次才考上二流大学,被称为鲤鱼爬瀑布,从此成了城里人。 村里的7个大妈和8个大妈羡慕二叔,也教自己的孩子以二叔为榜样。要知道,到目前为止,她们还没来得及在背后少说“二叔”。“看他那只熊的样子,考了两次都考不及格,完全是泥巴撑不住墙。”“像他一样,如果能考上大学,我以后反其道而行。”。村里没有一个人喜欢二叔。这除了二叔的宅男气质,高考中接连失利,另一个就是我们家境贫寒。 农村的想法是,你都家徒四壁了,你TMD还在读书,脑子是不是被驴踢



记得小时候,我祖母对我说,她们的时候物资非常疲惫,不能经常吃,生了孩子没有医疗器械也只能请村里生孩子的女人帮忙。 当时,祖母告诉我小时候真的看见她泡在猪圈里,但女人死前的诅咒似乎刺痛了所有人的心。 刘桂芬村里的产妇,才30多岁的她是4个孩子的母亲,但是4个孩子是女孩,刘桂芬的男人总是在晚上喝醉回家就会被刘桂芬殴打。 身体总是青翠紫色的刘桂芬依然在帮在村里生下的媳妇,如果在别人家生了女孩还好,如果生了男孩刘桂芬回家会再次生气李大牛。 后来刘桂芬再也忍不住找了离婚的男人,那个男人对刘桂芬是百般的好,




The Legend of Xiangnan Horror Zombie Village


Qing Dynasty wild history of the East Xuan master of the story of zombies: the early years of the Qing Dynasty, west of Hunan, the village of more than 200 families, more than 700 people facing a small village called "zombie" of the mountain. These zombies like to eat the flesh and blood of the living, their bodies wet and rotting, the whole body exudes a musty smell ...... It turns out that this is an ordinary village, most of the people to hunt for a living, some people rely on a little bit of wild vegetables, sweet potatoes and so on life. The village has a young man called Cheng three, usually idle, but also lack of production, like to play tricks on other people's wives, often chased by the village to humiliate, hiding in the mountains to make do, and at night back to the village to steal something to live. The whole village hated him with a passion. One day, Cheng San was hungry in the mountains, wanting to dig bamboo shoots, groundnuts, etc. to fill their stomachs, digging everywhere, digging corpses, and looking horrible!



这是实话,当事人已经不在了,但他可怕的见鬼体验,至今仍流传在村子里…… 20世纪50年代,村里有一个叫红薯的孩子。白薯爸爸很健谈,家里的钱从来没有花在爸爸身上。地瓜从来不用零花钱。到了夏天,他看到村里的孩子用父母的零花钱买的冰淇淋,就忍不住想吃。于是他经常去村边的水沟、水渠,捡起村民们扔出去的垃圾,拿到那个垃圾那里去换零钱。 有一天,天黑了还没回家,在村子东边的沟里捡了一个破烂,突然被一个又圆又硬的东西绊倒了,那也不太痛。马上爬起来,去看缠绕着的东西,那是人头上的骷髅。 这时,阴风吹来,摇摇晃

He's a disgraced child.


There have been many psychic incidents in the village campground, such as the old lady in red who complained about her death during the Cultural Revolution, whose ghost often came out to haunt people 30 years ago. In summer, some people went there in the middle of the night to cool off and slept until midnight, when they would be woken up by a gloomy voice telling me to change places. When I opened my eyes to see the voice, there was no one there. Anyway, the campground was a very "beautiful" place. There were a lot of poplar trees planted in the compound, and in the summer the weather became very cool, so many villagers were attracted to come here to cool off. There was a young man in the village who loved to drink, Li Quan, who drank three times a day and had a particularly large capacity, drinking more than a kilogram of wine at a time. One summer night, it continued to be very hot and muggy. Li Quan had been drinking at a friend's house and came drunkenly to the brigade's yard


