(coll.) father's father

prognosis (in medicine)


★ Omen This was told by my grandfather. In terms of his character, I believe it to be true. In other ways, I really can't believe it. Which is true or not. Let's judge. Grandpa was born in 1920, and at the age of seven, he and his parents traveled from Shandong to Kanto to Liaoning. It happened when he was ten years old. Why is he so sure about that time? Because he celebrated his 10th birthday on the day of the event. Children from poor families spend the first half of their lives studying and the second half working, so they rarely have time to play. It was my birthday, so my grandfather rarely had time off. His house was on the outskirts of Dalian, and there was a mound nearby. He was discussing with his friends about going to the mound to play, when a boy came from the distance. The boy was also about ten years old. Strangely reddish, but strangest of all, he had a rhythm. Every few steps.










It's the red string around your neck.


2003年夏天,我高中毕业,高考成绩非常理想,我考上了华中科技大学。 快乐之余一家人为了庆祝我的金榜题目,同时也想让我彻底放松,决定去宜昌周边的下牢溪踏青。 有心的朋友可以了解“宜昌下牢溪”,这是宜昌比较著名的景点,主要是那里有山有水,一到夏天很多在宜昌学习的学生都会在这里踏青游泳。牢溪发源于宜昌县牛坪wu,由北向南流经柏木坪、白马岭、覃家庙、姜家庙,在南津关注入长江。下牢溪清澈如玉,溪流蜿蜒入层层叠叠叠叠的群山之中,两岸奇峰竞秀、翠林藏莺、繁花戏蝶、飞泉鸣琴,一步一景,宁静美丽,令人动容。 此



这个故事是一个喜欢和爷爷一起捕鱼的爷爷给我讲的。 这是他的亲身经历。 故事正文:乔爷爷我和祖父从小一起长大,两人从小就喜欢抓鱼。我祖父没有抓到鱼是在发生了乔爷爷事故之后。也就是说,事故还在后头。 那时的农村耕地离不开牛。所以基本上家家都有养牛,春夏放牛,也就是把牛带到有青草的地方让牛自己吃,秋冬青草枯萎,拴在家里吃桔梗。 每个夏天,对于喜欢水的大人和孩子来说,都是幸福的季节。与其说是到了什么都不玩的时代。 我想反正水性这个东西,遗传性也应该能,为什么?因为我家除了祖母以外几乎都擅长水。 小时候的



一、墙角有人 “啊,你相信灵魂的漏洞吗?” 在狱侦科的审讯室里,始终低头沉默的陆扬威冷淡地抬起憔悴苍白的他的脸,凝视着我问道。也许是他的口气太阴险了,我忍不住打了一个激灵。慌忙避开他的视线。陆扬威笑着,苦笑着说:“我看,你相信。” “别转移话题,你应该知道我来的目的。”我镇定自己,又重复了一次提问。陆扬威好像没听到似的,又低头喃喃自语。“他哭着拜托我。他很可怜,真的很可怜,我不知道该怎么办……” 在强制审问室,除了因强奸(未遂)罪被判处有期徒刑8年,至今为止在监狱服刑的陆扬威之外,只有两名同事,




I've experienced terrible things myself.


When I read this today, I suddenly wanted to talk about what I encountered. I originally believed that there are things in time that are different from us. About 3 years ago my grandfather passed away, the older man loved my sister and I dearly when he was alive. There was also something foreboding on the morning of the day he was walking, and he went out in his new clothes that he usually sadly wore, but suddenly he died of a brain hemorrhage and went peacefully. At that time, the person next to me said that a person sitting in bed, playing the beat found out. After learning the news mom and dad went to grandpa's house first. I had to rest until the next day, so I left my sister at home with me. That night she went out with friends. I heard you went to karaoke and drank. At night, l dreamt of Grandpa. He was angry. l don't remember why. But l know very well that you targeted my sister.

It's a ghost lock.


It's a ghost lock My grandfather sold salt for a living when he was young, but the job required him to return late in the morning to earn it. Once Grandfather went to a distant market. Business was good that day, and he waited until dark to gather the salt baskets. By then the salt cages were almost sold out. Carrying two baskets of salt, Grandfather hurried home in the dark. Halfway there it began to drizzle. The rain got heavier and heavier. There was still salt in the salt baskets, and the grandfather, afraid that it would melt, hurried on quickly. After walking for a while, he saw an orchard in front of him. There was a hut next to it. The door of the hut was open and unlocked. The old grandpa rushed in to get out of the rain. The hut was empty, no one was there. However, it was the time when the fruits were ripe. It was impossible that there was no one in the hut to look at the fruit. Grandpa felt incredible inside. By this time the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier

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