
It's a bird of the underworld.


1, catching birds Li Yunyun kind and filial daughter. The fields are golden in the fall, and the joy of the harvest fills the earth. Greedy flocks of sparrows wowed the fields. These naughty sparrows, sometimes really annoying, sometimes farmers feed all the planted vegetable seeds, in order to drive them away, the wise man invented a bird magic weapon - bird netting. The net is interwoven like hair, and when you open it and put it in the field where you have spread the seeds, you can't see it if you don't look closely. However, if the birds flew there, they would stick together and could not escape no matter what. That morning, Li Yunyun was drying millet in the yard. Her father was holding a colorful and beautiful bird in his hand and happily ran to her side: "Yun'er, look, isn't this bird beautiful!" . Although she wanted to run away, it was as if she knew it was futile






馨儿小时候,我很喜欢去奶奶家。除了奶奶家有好东西以外,因为馨儿的表哥住在奶奶家。 因为二叔和二叔去外地打工了。 二叔家有三个孩子,一个儿子,两个女儿。 其他两个人被父母带着,但是因为第二个表妹年纪小,所以到了十几岁就想带她出去,把她寄存在祖母家。 二表妹也是个很听话的好孩子,她不吵,乖乖听父母安排,在媳妇家也很听话,吃完饭就收拾碗。 馨儿那时9岁,表妹比馨儿小一岁,当然是馨儿姐姐。 住在奶奶家的那段时间是最快乐的,馨儿经常和两个表妹,约定大夏天去池边玩,玩水的,白天玩,晚上她们两个孩子在奶奶家门

woman who eats people


The cannibalistic grandmother's two sisters, ages 7 and 3, and their grandmother were about to go to bed when they suddenly heard a knock at the door. Because she didn't want to relight the candles, the grandmother got up in the dark and went to answer the door while the sisters waited in bed. After a while, the grandmother came back and said that she had looked outside the house and there was nothing, so she had probably misheard. Three people continue to sleep in the same bed. It was only in the middle of the night that my sister woke up, apparently feeling the wet sheets. The room was too dark to see anything, so she woke up her grandmother. Grandma said she'd wet the bed, so she'd roll up the sheets and wash them in the morning. When she was about to go to bed, she touched something long and thin and wanted Grandma to light a candle to see it. Grandmother laughed at her foolishness. That was put on the bed, usually used to carry her sister's carrier. Sister was finally relieved. But after a while, in the haze, my sister came from the head of the bed

Grandma's village.


Grandmother lived on the estate of a remote village at the foot of the mountains, a legendary gathering place for old people in empty houses, where there were no young strong men in the village except for the leggy uncle who also took care of grandmother. My uncle also went to work when he was young and saved his life by breaking a foot in an accident when he fell from a height. Last time, my mom called me and told me that I was coming to visit my grandmother after she passed away. When I was an elementary school student, I used to stay at my grandmother's house and grew up with her, but I haven't been there several times since I went to college, and I don't even know how many years have passed since then. Taking a plane to the airport in the capital of the province, taking a train to the city, taking a long-distance bus to my grandmother's city, and then crossing a mountain, I could finally see my grandmother's house. But by the time we got to the town it was already in the afternoon, and it had been a good idea to late

Mom's horrible experience.


This is something I heard from my mom where she says tea talk even. My grandmother and my mother used to live halfway up the south mountain in Chongqing, before I did, and on New Year's Eve of the first year they moved to the foot of the mountain, a strange thing happened! They had to set off firecrackers at 30, and it was after midnight when they got home. Mother heard something in the kitchen and went away. There was a lady with loose hair in the rice bowl. Mother called out to Grandma in horror. The woman kept looking at them with vague eyes. My grandmother believed in superstition, so she said something, but accidentally let her go. The woman seemed to understand my grandmother and stood up and left without going back. My grandmother wanted to see where she lived, whether she was a human being or a ghost, so she followed her.






我们女人好像都有那方面的能力。因为只有我们才能看到它们,但它不是阴阳眼,看到的都是很模糊的,我朋友说我们家的人命比较轻。 1、奶奶的话 我祖母小时候住在乡下,那时需要下地干活。另外,因为家里也养着鸡和鸭,所以有时也会去池塘那边捞皮喂鸭子。那个池塘小而深的地方也只有我祖母的腰,而且她的水性也很好,家人也不担心。 有一次,她在池塘里捞浮皮时,突然感到有东西在拖后腿,然后她自然地低头去看。结果,看到一个孩子在水里对着她笑,当时把我祖母吓得半死,结果吓晕啦。 当我醒来时,我听到隔壁的大人说幸好附近有人经



那是十年前的遭遇。10年前,我还是一名初三学生,在离家30公里的小镇读书。那天下午我们上自习课的时候,来城里办事的本家叔叔找到了我,说奶奶病得很重,不行了,我想见见最后一面。我奶奶只有一个孙子。叔叔说没见到我就不想泄气。我想你赶紧回去看看老人家。奶奶是我最亲的亲人,她老人临死前说我,我有理由不去吗? 我向老师请假,然后赶回家。 回到家,得知祖母病了好几天,父母和阿姨们日夜守护着她,等待她断气。见到祖母时,医生刚给她打针,人还醒着,我叫她过来,她立刻认出了我。据父亲说,这几天祖母和姑姑们都认不出来



这是我奶奶自己经历的事件。祖母当时还是个孩子,她一直身体不好,经常遇到奇怪的事情,一开始还很害怕,然后多见面也不奇怪。 奶奶家住在村里的中西部,村子中间有一条河,她和爷爷(奶奶的爸爸)、奶奶(奶奶的妈妈,现在还健在)、弟弟妹妹们一起住在河南。关于这条河,我稍后再详细谈。这里不太啰嗦。 奶奶经常提着篮子,下午帮奶奶割草喂羊。一天傍晚,太阳就要落山了,老太太依旧提着小篮子走出院子的东门。刚到门口,小巷里就有一个女孩的背影。那个女孩很小,梳着两个小辫子,跑着低着辫子跳舞。奇怪的是,那个女孩夏天穿着花棉

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