
It has the life of a grotesque


With a seventy-something-year-old mother above him, two junior high school-aged sons below him, and a wife who is a sickly medicine pot, the family's livelihood falls on his shoulders alone. Therefore, in addition to working hard, Lao Yang also did small jobs from time to time to supplement the family income. The pillar collapsed after continuous leakage of rain. That night, he went to the stone factory to move stones, and on the way, he encountered a falling stone and was hit on the head by a big rock, and died on the spot. Lao Yang's soul entered the netherworld in a tragic way, and when he met the ghostly messenger who came to greet him, both sides couldn't help but exclaim at the same time, "Is that you?" Old Yang met an acquaintance. This ghostly messenger, surnamed Wei, had been a junior messenger with Lao Yang in his lifetime, and the two of them were on good terms. He was then killed in a traffic accident, and his family was so poor that they couldn't even do the aftermath, but thanks to a few enthusiastic orderlies, the funeral was also sloppy



这是以前的事了。 普集乡有个当地的名人叫老张,是为了什么呢。他胆大包天,只敢半夜在坟场住一夜,村里人无不佩服。 这天傍晚,大家吃完饭,像往常一样聚集在村头大石磨那里聊天。见多识广李爷爷给人们讲了一个皮胡子的故事:山里有个叫皮胡子的怪物,长得像狐狸,但这家伙会修行,会讲人话。到了晚上,它会穿上别人的衣服,戴上帽子,站在山路旁问路人“你看我像人吗”,如果路人回答“像”,它就会放你走;当你说“长得不像”时,你会伸手去打,咬紧牙关,吓一跳。 老张听好了,“爷爷,真的吗?我怎么没见过?”李爷爷笑着说:“孩



很久很久以前,村子里有一位上了年纪的老奶奶。 有一天去买菜的时候,她在路边看到一只流浪猫,她很喜欢这只可爱的小猫。领养了! 从那以后,每天买菜、逃菜,无论去哪里,都带着这只可爱的小猫。这只非常可爱的小猫,和这位老太太总是形影不离。即使到了晚上,这位老奶奶也会抱着可爱的小猫进入梦中……。 就这样过了很久 有一天,奶奶,生病了,病越来越重了。不吃之前不喝。但是她还没有忘记抱着小猫。家人预计老太太活不久,就会为老太太准备后事。 不久老太太就不行了。她将离开人世。她舍不得小猫,告诉家人,一定要照顾小猫。



1. 喝醉了喝了酒,半夜被尿吵醒了。家里没有厕所,你需要走出小巷,横穿马路,去公共厕所。 天上一点月光也没有,胡同里一片漆黑。巷口的路灯忽亮忽暗,像一只半死鱼眼,只照在灯光下几米处,其余地方一片漆黑。 小王吃惊地走到胡同口。我正要过马路,突然听到摩托车突然发出的声音。他赶紧停下脚步,像摩托车的风一样紧贴着他走了。 危险,必须自己再早一步去见阎王。 “可恶,赶紧去怀孕!”。 突然,他感到脸上热乎乎的,随手一笑:“妈妈,血!” 他急忙朝摩托车的方向看去,看到那辆车慢下来,摇摇晃晃地走进路灯下,小王




Fish fry in the laboratory


The Oceanographic Institute has six academic buildings. The laboratory is a few bungalows, in the south of the six. When I was studying medicine, my greatest wish in life was to further my studies here, and, by chance, the Institute's Managing Director Zhang was my new neighbor. His old companion often shopped for groceries with me. Soon, Mr. Zhang asked me for help to work at the Marine Research Institute. In order to cooperate with the new fish fry cultivation program, the water was changed twice in the morning and evening to feed the fry for the Czarina. It was said that the lights in the lab stayed on in the morning and evening to stimulate the growth of the fry. The tall water tanks have no visible bottom, and no creatures were visible at first. The water was changed at 9:00 p.m. sharp every night, and you could not go home until 11:00 p.m. It was pitch black everywhere except the lab. I soon got used to the work. The lab let me clean the windows and the fry were quiet. Once in a while I would look into the