The Great Exorcist Incident Book: Walter Halleran


In Western countries, the task of an exorcist is to drive away the evil spirits that possess human beings. These evil spirits will not only harm the possessed person, but will also use the possessed person to harm their friends or relatives around them. Among the Western exorcism legends, the exorcism legend of Roland Doe is one of the classics. Famous author William Peter Blatty also adapted this legend into the well-known movie The Exorcist. Because many people believed that only the most evil people would be possessed by evil spirits, but Rolandoy was only a thirteen-year-old boy who had not committed any crime, so all the parties involved in the exorcism adopted aliases, including Rolandoy, in order to prevent them from being harassed in the future.
In the Rolandoi exorcism, the Holy See sent several exorcists to perform exorcisms because the power of the evil spirits was too strong, and Fr. Walter Halloran was one of them, and the only exorcist whose identity was made public during the incident. He was the only exorcist whose identity was made public during the incident. The reason for this was that several exorcists died one after another after the incident, and he was the one who lived the longest among the exorcists who survived the incident.
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In 1949, at the age of thirteen, Rolandoy's passion for the Ouija board led him to call out spirits from the other world. His aunt, who was a psychic, used the séance board to tell people's fortunes and taught Rolandoy this special skill. However, although his aunt taught him how to séance, she died of illness before she could teach him how to return the souls to the other world. As a result, Rolandoy only learned half of it.
Rolandoy often utilized the will-o'-the-wisp board after his aunt's death, as his toy, and sometimes got his friends to come over and play with him, but these spirits that were conjured up couldn't go back to the other world. Gradually, many apparitions appeared in his house. His family heard someone talking in the living room in the middle of the night, or someone kept going up and down the wooden stairs, but no one was found. Even the dinner plates in the house would fall off the cabinet and break for no reason.
Despite the many visions in his home, Rolandoy did not seem to stop his séances. His parents tried to stop him when they found out about it, but his room could not be opened, as if there was some kind of power that surrounded his room and forbade everyone to enter.
His parents were at their wits' end, so they called on Lutheran Father Luther Miles Schulze to assist them. When Luther Miles Schulze arrived, he sensed that the house was not only surrounded by many spirits, but also by an unusually powerful force of evil spirits that surrounded Rolandoy's room.
As he prepared to approach Rolandoi's room, he suddenly heard a horrible roar accompanied by a great deal of crying. He was somewhat startled, and although he was a member of the clergy, he was not trained to perform exorcisms, so after consulting with Rolandoi's parents, he decided to seek the assistance of another psychologist, J. B. Rhine, who had studied paranormal events.
When J.B. Rhine arrived on the scene, he, Luther Miles Hewitts, and Rolandoi's parents, tried to open the door to Rolandoi's room, but it would not open. The whole house was filled with horrible cries and hisses. Not only that, Rolandoi's room, but there are several deep voices, reciting a special language, J.B. Rhein has some research on the Hebrew language, he can hear that it is the ancient Hebrew language, and some of the phrases are shouting the name of the evil spirit, it feels that the evil spirit summoning ceremony.
J.B. Rhine, with his past experience, judged that the matter was so difficult that he needed to ask the Holy See to send an exorcist to perform an exorcism, otherwise the consequences would be unmanageable. He and Luther Miles Hughes use their connections to contact the Holy See, which decides to send an experienced exorcist, Edward Hughes, and his assistant, Walter Halleran, to perform an exorcism at Rolandoy's home.

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